← Pharmacists CPD

Management of Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Accreditation Details

Valid From
17 Jul. 2021
Expiry Date
26 Aug. 2021
CPD Points
CPD Category
Category 2
This CPD event is currently available to enroll on. It will be a LIVE ONLINE SESSION with an interactive component. LIVE session training begins at 1300 GMT this Thursday the 29th of June 2021. Log in 15 minutes earlier. We will be waiting to receive you. PS. Pre-Test is now available.






Course Description

This training program sponsored by BAYER, seeks to educate Pharmacists on the management of heartburn and acid reflux; This is a commonly misdiagnosed condition that features a burning pain, known as heartburn, in the lower chest area.

It is typically a disorder of gastrointestinal motility associated with reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and oral cavity. Unfortunately, it is sited as a leading reason for endoscopy. It causes potentially serious complications, resulting in significant individual and system-wide health burden.

In this expert-led, live, and interactive training session, Dr. Dzradosi will draw on his extensive knowledge, skills and expertise as a top clinician, to simplify the understanding of this topic. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with him and gain unique insights into a topic which is often mistakenly assumed to be completely understood.

What you will learn

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand what GERD is
2. Explain the pathogenesis of GERD
3. Typical and atypical symptoms of the condition
4. Understand when to refer for further care.
5. Treatment selection and consideration
6. Get a better understanding of counseling, points.
7. Make enhanced clinical choices in elderly care.

Course Content

Lecture Sessions

  • Full Lecture Session


  • Course Slides

Steps to Join Course

  • 1. Register or Login
  • 2. Confirm your email address by clicking a link from your email
  • 3. Choose course under your profession
  • 4. Click on Get Free Course
  • 5. Find your new course under My Courses
  • 6. Click on course to see contents
  • 7. Complete all Sessions and Quizes
  • 8. Download your Certificate

About Facilitator

  • 4 Courses on CES

Dr Marc Kwame Dzradosi

Pharm.D, FGCPharm, MPSGh.

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist / Lecturer

Head of Pharmaceutical Services – International Maritime Hospital.

Dr Marc K. Dzradosi has over fifteen (15) years’ experience in Hospital based Clinical Pharmacy Services, Academia, Research, Healthcare Administration, Public Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Science.

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